-Best book you read this month-
To Kill A Mocking Bird
-Annoying traits-
Prone to blackouts when nervous and under pressure
-How do people change?-
Never, unless they suffer from trauma. There is also another way – existentialism; it goes further than be who you are; it’s “be who you want to be”
-Your type of lover-
Someone charismatic and at least 10 years older
-Song you’ve been listening mostly to this month-
“Wrong,” “Blasphemous Rumours,” “Somebody” – Depeche Mode
“Parallels” – As I Lay Dying
“With a thousand words to say but one” – Darkest Hour
-The best technique to talk yourself out of something-
Say no ruthlessly (not that I’m good at it)
-Why does rolling a rock up a hill every day make you a happy person?-
The only truth behind this is to have a purpose in life, to make yourself a purpose and defeat absurdity.
-Latest disappointment-
PiL’s cancellation of the German tour
-What if Prince Charming proposed to you?-
Ask me again in ten years
-Your favourite love song in the world-
Truly madly deeply
-Earliest childhood memory-
The umbilical cord, the medical clamp applied was light blue
-Actors to play your fictional characters-
Cillian Murphy, Ethan Hawke, Natalie Portman
-What is fiction?-
My metamorphosis in real life
-What is barbaric-
A pigeon picking at chicken wing or eating fattening food in front of a hot dude
-Latest surprise-
It never dawned on me before how right it feels to be yourself in front of people who actually understand and listen to you. Those who don’t, don’t even deserve to hear a word out of your mouth
-Are you hypocritical?-
No, just a liar using the truth as a tool to portray the beauty of paradox and contradiction
-Is it easy to let go?-
Sometimes, but not if it’s hate and anger. Ask Hades.
-Are you a caring person-
I’m not a caring person, but no one believes me. They say, “You do care; otherwise, you wouldn’t do this and that.” But the truth is I do this and that for that person because he or she deserves it, and this is part of my goodwill, but on the very inside of me, I don’t know how much I care. Usually, I’m glad once something has been done with, so I can move on.
-Something mean you did in the last couple of months-
Laughing at someone with down syndrome being in love
-Who knows you best?-
-Your conclusion-
If I call Zeus a manwhore, will he punish me by making me open Chinese boxes for the rest of my life with no final box inside those boxes???
Thanks, D.