(For the rest of 2017 and all of 2018)
- Urgently think of a new title for my book. I used to be good at titling stories; why not now?!
- Once the book cover is sorted out, chase the press and publish that goddamn thing before the end of this year.
- Buy Glühwein ingredients
- Make sure all major projects and decisions are done and made before Mercury Retrograde begins on December 3.
- Call mum more often.
- Catch up on solitary pastimes (i.e., READ more GOOD fiction).
- Read more at open-mic nights.
- Incorporate at least twenty-minute mediation every day.
- Write an article or essay and add it to my writing portfolio (suggestions on the theme are welcome!).
- Keep up with my fitness goals to become leaner and stronger.
- Save money for driving lessons, become a member of Car2Go.
- Camp with friends, hike with friends, dance with friends, have more fun with friends.
- Climb more in the Spring and Summer.
- Job applications and find me a remote job.
- Feel less guilty about anything.
- Spend more time with family and support them whenever possible.
- Visit a place that has a pure Autumn season.
- Re-visit Alaska or go further north in Canada to see the northern lights in the middle of Winter.
- Just save money.
- Set up Bitcoin.
- Make macadamia (non-dairy) cheesecake like the one Nicole made.
- Learn how to sit down and do nothing for at least five minutes.
- Learn how to be more direct with people.
- Start a new project so I don’t run out of meaning to make.
- Have a plan to buy my own apartment.
- Visit California.
- See Nine Inch Nails more.
- Maintain the life of a plant or plant one myself (i.e., grow my own basil).
- Be a better friend to people.
- Not make a list like this anymore.