Sometimes the feeling that you can do anything leads you astray, and you know it. But the idea of going wrong tastes so sweet on your tongue. You spread the sweetness in your teeth and swallow. The result is a tingle in your stomach. Before you ask yourself where to go from here, you do a little tango dance. It feels warm and familiar, and yet you condemn that thrill.
The truth behind this is a lie…the tingle is merely transitory. There is just the ongoing concept of denial and an endless string of cognitive dissonance.
But do you resent her? Probably. You can hate her for it.
She can pinpoint the cause of anything, but there is no reason to talk about it; it’s a series of repetitions, similar to a soap opera with plenty of reimagined cliffhangers to keep you interested. She filters many things so often that they lose meaning, and new meanings have to be invented. One must not run out of creative motivations – one must not neglect the purpose of his presence, no matter if based on truth or lie. Just do something.