Implementation and Haribo

Haribo at nighttime seems wrong, but the way the sweet taste melts on my tongue is quite satisfying.

I’m running out of Bepanthen, and my back is peeling badly, but at least it’s no longer painful. I was such a wimp because the tattoo artist had to apply numbing cream to my back. However, he said I was a brave girl for choosing that motif.

What’s so brave about it when I have my reasons for that tattoo? It has a meaning. So I unite menace with beauty and Greek mythology with nature and astronomy. What’s the big deal?

What’s it to do with you?

What’s it to do with me?

A hell of a lot.


Soon it’ll be harvest time – time to collect and prepare.

These people can’t decide whether it’s warm or cold, but the truth is, it’s just right. The temperature has never been better. You might think its instability corresponds with a mind’s insanity, and you might be right.

It almost smells like autumn, the smell that gives people colds, which they deserve.

While they have sniffles, I will prepare.

For a new chapter.

A better chapter.

The most exciting thing is knowing that I will be the one to write about it, make it happen.

My only reason to rise from my bed and get out.

I love this part.


Another sweet before bed.

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